A global movement

They are giants but we are millions

Slow Food started in Italy in the 1980s as a counter movement against the introduction of Fast Food and the opening of the first McDonalds near the Spanish Steps in Rome. Its mission became to counter the disappearance of local food traditions and peoples' decreasing interest and connection with the food they buy and eat.

Since then, Slow Food has grown into a global, not-for-profit, volunteer based movement 
that actively protects biodiversity and promotes good, clean and fair food in over 150 countries around the world.

Slow Food in Australia was founded in 1995 by Maggie Beer. At the moment there are 18 registered local Slow Food communities that are actively promoting Good, Clean and Fair food in their region. Slow Food's organisational structure is decentralised: each local Slow Food community has a leader who together with a small committee is responsible for promoting local/regional food, artisans, farmers, and flavours through activities such as taste workshops, educational events, farmers markets, and social gatherings.