Join the Slow Movement

Here are some tips to go slow in life:

  1. Shake the hands that feeds you: meet the people who grow your food; shop at farmers markets or farm gates; or buy shares from a local farm that offers a community supported agriculture (CSA) programme. Buy in season and as local/regional as you can.
  2. We all love a bargain, but if the price is that cheap ask yourself how much the farmer or producer is getting for all his/her hard work growing it for you.
  3. Buy whole food and avoid processed stuff with long ingredient lists. Learn some new recipes; cook with love, eat with attention, share with others.
  4. Don't let food go to waste. Avoid plastic and over-packaging.
  5. Grow your own food - in your backyard, community garden or kitchen window
  6. If you eat meat, eat less of it and choose grass-fed. If you eat poultry/eggs, choose free-range or organic. If you eat fish, buy sustainable/local whenever you can.
  7. Be convivial! Sharing food makes you feel good and brings new people and perspectives to the table.

Become a member and make a difference

Become a member or 'friend of Slow Food'. Members receive newsletters and special invites to events at reduced prices. To join the easiest is to go to  As soon as your membership fees have been received, Slow Food International will notify us and we'll add you to our mailing list so you'll be aware of upcoming events and interesting news.  For more info, email us or send us a message via the contact page on this website.

Membership fees

Category                        Individual               Couple
Annual fee                      AUD 90               AUD 105
3-year sustainer            AUD 250             AUD 295
Youth (under 35)*         AUD 30               AUD 45
Mature (over 65)*         AUD 45               AUD 60
* proof of age required

Send us an email if you are interested in becoming a 'friend of Slow Food South Coast' (one-time donation, or corporate sponsoring).