Hands on

People always tell us they'd grow or prepare certain foods if only they had more time and knew how... Well we can't help with the first (although you'd be surprised how far a little time goes) but we can certainly help you learn more about growing, eating and preparing seasonal, fresh and wholesome food.

Every month we organise a "Veggie Club" meeting (Milton-Ulladulla area), where we feature 'hero' vegetables and show you how to grow, cook and preserve them. We also organise "Culture Club" meetings where we teach you how to ferment/bake/brew foods like sauerkraut, cultured butter, sourdough. More info and next meetings are announced on our Facebook page.

Shortly we will also be starting 'From Scratch' and From Scraps' workshops: come and discover how easy it is to make food from scratch, and how fun it is to try and be creative with your leftovers or excess produce. More info and dates will be announced on our Facebook page.

Menu for Change
Education and inspiration is vital if we want to create a better, cleaner and fairer food system. We organise guest speakers, forums and discussions to help you understand the impact of your daily food choices on your health, society and our planet. And we engage children - our future generations - to grow their own by sponsoring local community/ school gardens; and work with TAFE to give hospitality students hands-on experience.